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How to Identify Birds in Costa Rica

Whether heading to Costa Rica for a birding trip or to experience the natural sights and sounds of this exciting country, the trip is going to be much more satisfying if you can identify and learn about the birds, flowers, butterflies, and other species that make Costa Rica one of Earth’s biodiversity hotspots.

The Gartered Trogon is a fairly common bird in many parts of the country.

Although the sheer number of species makes it impossible to identify every single bug, plant, and animal that you encounter, the right field guides will provide you with information to identify and learn about many of the species that you come across while walking in the lowland rainforests, hiking through misty cloud forests, or hanging out on the beach.

You might see a stunning Prothonotary Warbler- a common wintering bird in Costa Rica.

For birds, you can go with a paper field guide, the Costa Rica Birds Field Guide app or both. In fact, buying both is a pretty good way to be fully prepared for birding in Costa Rica. Both show over 500 of Costa Rica’s bird species as well as giving range maps and information for each species. While the book does show more species than the 550 plus birds shown in the Costa Rica Birds Field Guide app., the app still shows most or all of the birds you are likely to see while visiting Costa Rica. Not to mention, the app also provides sounds for nearly 400 of those species, weighs as much as your device, and includes a means of taking and emailing notes along with a full checklist that can be emailed.

Whether using a book or the app, the best way to identify and learn about Costa Rican birds is by studying in advance and then using your reference guide in the field. With the app, there are several ways to quickly search for birds by family, group, color, pattern on the bird, and other factors. It’s also easier to  learn their songs because you can look at the image of the bird while playing the vocalization.

Of course the easiest way to identify birds is by hiring a birding guide while you are in Costa Rica but the app is going to help!

Try a free version of the Costa Rica Birds Field Guide app!

3 thoughts on “How to Identify Birds in Costa Rica

  1. My nephew likes birds and he wanted to go bird watching next month. It was explained here that to identify the birds we need to have the right field guides. Having said that, it’s important to hire a professional birding guide to identify the birds correctly.

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